Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

      This year I am taking Algebra 1 with Mr. Santangelo. Last year on move-up day he kind of made his class seem to me like it was going to be tough and I was not going to do good in his class. I know that its only been three weeks of school this year but I acuyally was wrong.  love the way he teaches. He goes at a good pace. My favorite subject in school is math, and that is why I don't mind his class at all.
Image result for algebra 1

      This year I expect to get straight A's and get on honor roll all four marking periods expect to learn how to do equations and more mathematical things. Whats so interesting about Algebra 1 is that I like to learn new things in math. To me math is interesting and i love it. Mr. Santangelo's grading policy is tests are 45%, Quizzes are 20%, projects are 15% and  homework and classwork is 10%.

`       In class we use technology on the computers. We use a website called "Kahoot.com". We different excersizes on it. Today we are learning square  roots and simplyifying equations.

You can find Mr. Santangelo's website  here .
For more videos on algebra 1 click here.


  1. I loved having Mr. Santangelo in freshman. He is a great teacher.
    Mr. Santangelo'sclass

  2. Mr. Mann is a great teacher, Check him out.
    Mr. Mann's Class

  3. Math is my favorite subject in school too! I have Mr.Ben-Nun as my teacher he is a great teacher! Mr. Ben-Nun's website

  4. He sounds like a great teacher! I have Mr. Ben-nun this year!

  5. Mr.Santangelo is a greatclass glad you have him
